Sponsors of the Gold Cup

The Gold Cup would not be possible without the generous donations of our sponsors.

Premier Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Contributing Sponsor

Contributing Sponsor

Supporter of The Gold Cup

Supporter of The Gold Cup

Supporters of the Gold Cup

It takes a special mix of talent and grit to become a success and overcome life’s obstacles. But regardless of talent, no one can become a champion alone. We all have had coaches, teachers, family, friends, and financial support to get where we are today – which many talented young people don’t have. The Gold Cup’s mission is ultimately to help talented young people reach their full potential – whether that’s to become Olympians, or just to have the opportunity to push themselves.

Our inspiration, the greatest American rower, John Kelly Sr., overcame stereotypes to become a champion. He had the support of a nation, and he gave back to the rowing community to support others.

Join us in giving elite rowers a chance to become champions.

Join us in giving underprivileged young people the opportunity and inspiration to develop a passion for rowing, athletics, and access to academics. The hope is to help break the cycle of poverty by engaging in a healthy activity such as rowing.

We offer a variety of opportunities for individuals and organizations to support the Gold Cup. We are a 501©3 organization and donations are tax deductible to the maximum extent permitted by law.


The Stewards of the Gold Cup are a group of rowing supporters that, through their ongoing generosity, help promote and expand youth sculling in the greater Philadelphia area. Their contributions both sustain the Gold Cup tradition and help provide rowing instruction to under-resourced children.

Stewards make an annual, tax-deductible gift of $2,750 per year to support the Gold Cup event. They are entitled to a Gold Cup blazer, receive special finish-line viewing access for the races as well as complementary tickets to the awards event.


Ambassadors of the Gold Cup are also asked to support our overall mission and are invited to attend the races as well as the awards event. Ambassadors make an annual, tax-deductible gift of $500 per year.


Sponsors are businesses, individuals, or other organizations that wish to support the Gold Cup.

Premier Sponsor

Premier sponsorships are $15,000/year or more and will be listed on our website and other social media.

Gold Sponsor

Gold sponsorships are $10,000/year and will be listed on our website.

Silver Sponsor

Silver sponsorships are $5,000/year and will be listed on our website.

Bronze Sponsor

Bronze sponsorships are $2,500/year and will be listed on our website.

Contributing Sponsor

Contributing sponsorships are $1,000/year and will be listed on our website.

To become a supporter of the Gold Cup, please e-mail scotfisher515@gmail.com  or send a check payable to the Philadelphia Gold Challenge Cup Foundation, 1149 W Lancaster Ave, Suite U-3, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2722.